

WELLMAXX / hyaluron⁵ / hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set gel

hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set gel

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hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set fluid hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set fluid hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set fluid hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set fluid hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set fluid hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set fluid
hyaluron⁵ skin care beauty set gel
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Geschenkbox bestehend aus: 1x day & night fluid concentrate 15ml, 1x day & night cream rich 15ml, 1x collagen booster serum concentrate 15ml, 1x perfect eye gel concentrate 15ml

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Shipping costs

CHF 8,50



CHF 29,90
CHF 19,90
Price per Stück

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Beschreibung und Anwendung:

Geschenkbox bestehend aus:

1x moist intense gel concentrate 15ml
1x day & night cream rich 15ml
1x collagen booster serum concentrate 15ml
1x perfect eye gel concentrate 5ml


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